Indianapolis Home Show
My husband, Lilly, and I went to the Indianapolis Home Show today. We were able to put Ashley in after school care which was great since she is not a fan of walking around places that have no toys! We have gone to this same event for a few years now. Each year there are mostly the same vendors, but some are new. There are hundreds of vendors, so even if they were there the past few years, there is no way you can stop and talk to them all each time. Each year we've gone, we've been at a different place when it comes to what we are wanting to do with our house. So each year, it has been a different experience for us.
Each year they select a home builder to build a model home. Yes build one....IN the building! They make a full sized house decorated amazingly on the inside and out, with full trees and landscaping. We have gone in the house, in the past, to see all the different designs and get inspirations. This year, because of having the stroller, and the long line, we decided to skip this part.
This year there seemed to be quite a bit of landscaping companies, as well as outdoor living in general. There was a huge section where they laid out many different patio set ups with grand fireplaces and waterfalls. There were plants and bushes all around. It really seemed as if you stepped into an outside space (thankfully it wasn't though because with our 6 degree weather it would've been very cold!) The outdoor kitchen companies (grilling spaces) and patio cover (pergolas, etc) were also abundant at the show.
Some of the other exhibits included security systems, kitchen cabinet makers, countertops, furniture makers, cars, and many more. We tend to like looking at the smaller "fun" items. Things like mats that take off all the water from your shoes when you walk in the door, or mops that leave no streaks and only use water. Household decor, fills many of the booths as well. Spas, hot tubs, and pools are always fun to look at, even though we know we won't be purchasing these any time soon. One new addition was a butterfly garden. That would be so neat to have in a back yard. The lady inside let Lilly put one in her hand, which she loved!
There is food galore at these events. Popcorn, to candy to cupcakes. There are probably a dozen wineries that come out and give free samples (these may be our favorite booths!) There are even companies that make wine slushies! How amazing is that! Dips are always on display with pretzles from many different groups as well, and they all taste great. Lots of demonstrations are being presented with the newest kitchen gadgets from Vitamix, to pots and pans, to the 'best' cutting knives.
Vendors come from all over. We were talking to an olive oil maker that came all the way from South Carolina. The variety is so vast that there is something to please everyone, whether you own a home or not!
Each year they select a home builder to build a model home. Yes build one....IN the building! They make a full sized house decorated amazingly on the inside and out, with full trees and landscaping. We have gone in the house, in the past, to see all the different designs and get inspirations. This year, because of having the stroller, and the long line, we decided to skip this part.

Some of the other exhibits included security systems, kitchen cabinet makers, countertops, furniture makers, cars, and many more. We tend to like looking at the smaller "fun" items. Things like mats that take off all the water from your shoes when you walk in the door, or mops that leave no streaks and only use water. Household decor, fills many of the booths as well. Spas, hot tubs, and pools are always fun to look at, even though we know we won't be purchasing these any time soon. One new addition was a butterfly garden. That would be so neat to have in a back yard. The lady inside let Lilly put one in her hand, which she loved!
There is food galore at these events. Popcorn, to candy to cupcakes. There are probably a dozen wineries that come out and give free samples (these may be our favorite booths!) There are even companies that make wine slushies! How amazing is that! Dips are always on display with pretzles from many different groups as well, and they all taste great. Lots of demonstrations are being presented with the newest kitchen gadgets from Vitamix, to pots and pans, to the 'best' cutting knives.
Vendors come from all over. We were talking to an olive oil maker that came all the way from South Carolina. The variety is so vast that there is something to please everyone, whether you own a home or not!
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