And The Nominees Are....
It's that time of year again. When the entertainment news is buzzing with which movie, actor or actress got nominated for a category on The 86th Academy Awards.
I thought that Jason and I had watched quite a few movies this past year, but there are a lot on the list that I have yet to see, or have even heard of, honestly! Having two little ones running around, and not being able to go out as much, causes me to not be up to date on the movie scene. Before having a family, Jason and I would go to the movies almost once per week and would veg-out on the weekends watching movies and TV shows from Netflix.
Anyways, I would like to put in my two cents about six of the category nominations.
1. American Hustle
2. Captain Phillips
3. Dallas Buyers Club
4. Gravity
5. Her
6. Nebraska
7. Philomena
8. 12 Years a Slave
9. The Wolf of Wall Street
Out of this whole list, all nine movies, I have only seen one. American Hustle. I've heard rave reviews on Gravity, and I've heard of the movie name Her. That's it. Jason, being the movie connoisseur that he is, has heard of all but two. I liked American Hustle, but, from what I've heard, I bet I will like Gravity better. But hey, that may be because I really like Sandra Bullock as an actress.
ACTOR- In a Leading Role
1. Christian Bale - American Hustle
2. Bruce Dern - Nebraska
3. Leonardo DiCaprio - The Wolf of Wall street
4. Chiwetel Ejiofor - 12 Years a Slave
5. Matthew McConaughey - Dallas Buyers Club

ACTRESS - In a Leading Role
1. Amy Adams - American Hustle
2. Cate Blanchett - Blue Jasmine
3. Sandra Bullock - Gravity
4. Judi Dench - Philomena
5. Meryl Streep - August: Osage County
All of these actresses are amazing. I've loved them all in so many movies. If I had to pick, and I mean you are twisting my arm and forcing me, I would pick Sandra Bullock. Maybe it's because I've seen her in more movies. Comedically she's hilarious. From her older movie, Miss Congeniality, to one of her newer ones, The Heat, she always has me laughing. The Blind Side, While you were Sleeping, and The Lake House are some more of my favorite movies that show a more serious side of her acting.
ACTOR - In a Supporting Role
1. Barkhad Abdi - Captain Phillips
2. Bradley Cooper - American Hustle
3. Michael Fassbender - 12 Years a Slave
4. Jonah Hill - The Wolf of Wall Street
5. Jared Leto - Dallas Buyers Club
When I see the name Jonah Hill, I just laugh. Not at him, but the character he always plays. He is definitely stepping out of his comedic shell more lately, which is fantastic, but I'm not sure I would pick him as the winner here. I think Bradley Cooper is a better actor. I think he is a very versatile actor covering many genres in his movies.
ACTRESS - In a Supporting Role
1. Sally Hawkins - Blue Jasmine
2. Jennifer Lawrence - American Hustle
3. Lupita Nyong'o - 12 Years a Slave
4. Julia Roberts - August: Osage County
5. June Squibb - Nebraska
This is a tough one for me. I love The Hunger Games, so of course Jennifer Lawrence is one of the picks on my list. Julia Roberts, though, is amazing. Seriously, is there a better actress then the woman who played THE woman in Pretty Woman (how many times can I say woman in the same sentence!) I pick her hands down. Plus if I didn't my husband may alienate me for not picking his favorite actress of all time!
1. The Croods
2. Despicable Me 2
3. Ernest & Celestine
4. Frozen
5. The Wind Rises

There are other categories that I liked on here as well. The movie Saving Mr. Banks is nominated for the original score (geez Emma Thompson was mean!). The Great Gatsby, which was fantastic, is nominated in the costume design category. I mentioned earlier that I loved the music in Frozen. My favorite song from that movie, "Let It Go," which it is nominated for Original Song.
I have to wait till March 2nd to find out if my choices win. What are some of your picks? Have you been lucky enough to watch some of these movies that came out within the last month?
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