
Showing posts from September, 2020
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The Photo Props I WISH I Made

I recently wrote a post about the newborn outfits and patterns I used for my son 5 years ago when he was a baby.  You can see that post here .  When I had my first child, I hadn't crocheted in 10 years, since I was 15, and then when I had my second child I had only recently retaught myself how to crochet.  Therefore, I only made photo prop outfits for my son.  I wish I had done it for my daughters, because there are so many cute outfits out there. There will be no more babies in my future, but I thought it would be fun to collect a list of cute outfits.  Hey, if I have any friends or family who want one, I'll have place to start myself!

Best 19 Free Halloween Patterns

Nothing beats FREE right?  I agree.  I'm a lover of a good deal, and you can't get any better deal then FREE.  So I have put together a list of the best Free Halloween patterns out there.  

All Things Pumpkin - Best Paid Patterns

There are people out there who LOVE Halloween.  I'm more of a Christmas girl myself, but I can see the appeal for Halloween.  When else do you get a chance to pretend to be something else.  When do you get to dress up and be completely out of the norm, without anyone batting (see what I did there?) an eye.  One thing I myself love about the Halloween season is that it's the start of the Holiday season!!!  There's nothing better than the "ber" months (September, October, November, and December).  They are full of fantastic weather, great holidays, schools, football, and just a great sense of togetherness.  

Mask Lanyards for the Whole School

Mid summer we found out that we would be in fact going back to school in the Fall!  This greatly excited me.  I know it is a hot topic right now on whether or not we should be sending the kids back to school or if we should start the year with elearning.  I'm not sure if its the right thing to do or not, all I know, is I'm eager to get things back to normal.  I feel like at least trying to send the kids back, even if it's under different terms, at least we're going a step in the right direction.  We'll never know if we can go back to "normal" if we don't start somewhere, right?

HUGE pattern sale!

  I have never done a sale like this before, so I wanted my dedicated readers to know about it!  I am selling all my patterns on Ravelry for one low price of $25!  All you need to do is enter all of my patterns into your cart, and use the code: allthepatterns. It will automatically update your cart to show the new price.  This deal will save you over $200.  

How To Have The Best COVID Free Halloween!

School is here!  And whether you are in person, or elearning, this time of year always gets me excited for the Fall. With the start of this glorious season, my children always start asking me about Halloween and discussing what they want to dress up as. I have been dreading having this conversation with them.  They LOVE Halloween.  They love going trick or treating with their friends.  My oldest loves being able to run around the neighborhood without the boring adults.  My littles love seeing all the costumes and seeing how much candy they can get.   This year, though, will be different.  The droves of people that come to the neighborhood will be slight, if any at all.  I'm not even sure if the town is going to officially allow Halloween.  Even if they do, I'm sure not many people are going to want to partake in it.  I know I don't want my children going from house to house, getting candy from the hands of people I don't know. ...