National Nutrition Month
March is National Nutrition Month. What a great time for this wouldn't you think? Start being healthy and losing weight now while there's still a few months before summer weather, and therefore, summer clothing.
This time of year is also important to catholics. Yesterday, March 5th, was the start of lent. It is always a tough decision of what to give up, or what to incorporate into your life religious wise. In the past, I've given up certain foods, such as sweets, or soda. Other times I only listened to Christian music during lent in order to try and find a deeper connection, although my children talk so much in the car, so it didn't work as planned. This year, my husband and I decided to do nutrisystem. This way we are giving up all those sweets, fast food, and lots of other foods that are bad for us.
First things first. I HAD to clean the pantry. It was a disaster, and there was absolutely no room for any new food. I bought some baskets of different sizes, and started organizing. There was lots of junk food that had to be eaten before hand! Why yes I did want some brownies. Chips for lunch and cereal for dinner sounds fantastic!
Once we got the nutrisystem in, I had to organize it into the pantry. There's so much of it (you get a months supply of food) that I barely got it to fit, but I did. My husbands on one side, and mine on the other. The food is actually pretty tasty, just small amounts. The whole idea with nutrisystem is that you need to eat small meals, and healthy snacks in between. You can have as many vegetables as you want, and need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. After the first few days, I have been pretty hungry, but it is something I'm sure I will be able to get used to easily.
What are you giving/incorporating up for lent?
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