Doctor's Visit Fun
My oldest had to go to the doctor because we suspected that she may have strep throat (and she did, poor thing). Of course when you go to the doctors, there is always a lot of waiting though. At least in the waiting room, they have a tv going, there's lots of toys to play with, space to run around, and, Lilly's favorite, the train that goes across the track on the walls that line the room! But once you get into the actual patient rooms, there's really not much to do, and we all know, you sometimes wait in there as long as you do out in the waiting room!
So what is there to do in these little rooms? Well my girls always find ways to be entertained. Lilly will plop herself on the floor, take my wallet and pull everything out, or play with my keys to start. Ashley and I will play with the eye chart that they have on every door. "Can you see the bottom line with both eyes?" "Just one eye?" "How about from further away?" This one actually surprised me. Her eyes still seem to be perfect, even though when she watchings movies on the Ipad she's so close she could like the screen!
Then we explore the room a little. The spinny doctors chairs are a must play with toy for both of my girls. Lilly then likes to play the game, lets open all the doors and drawers we can find and see what's in them. On the other side of the patient table, she found that the door opens to an open area. Yep. She definitely had to go in there, close the door on herself, and start laughing and knocking to us on the outside.
Once we run out of things to do, and get bored, Ashley always starts up a nice game of "I Spy". There is usually enough on the walls and the small table for us to play. We used to play with just colors, but now we have upped our game and start playing with beginning letters! Soon we'll have to go backwards and do colors again, so Lilly can join in on that fun!
Finally, even the youngest of children will remember, sticker time! Once the Doc checks out the child, you get to to the check-out desk and get stickers for all children involved, whether they were treated or not. My girls love the sticker time!
Do you do anything fun with your children while you are wasting away waiting to finally be seen for 2 minutes?
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