Books I've Been Reading - Teaching!
In one of my previous posts, I talked to you about the blogging books that I had been reading. After I read those, I wanted to switch gears a bit, and I picked up some books on teaching. After a long haitus of being a stay at home mom, I am ready to get back into teaching again. While it's been hard to find a full time teaching job, I'm excited to at least get into substituting in the district.
Teachers are always learning and trying to better themselves, in order to better their ability to help their students. I wanted to get my head back into the mindset of being a teacher (more than just a teacher to my own children) so I went to the library, and my local bookstore, to pick up some new reading material. I wasn't necessarily looking for text book type books, because as useful as they are, I really wanted to read something a little more real. What I enjoy reading are true encounters and books written by teachers that in the trenches, so to say. I like reading about the everyday issues, and different ways to address them.
With that in mind, here are the books about teaching that I have been reading this summer.
What Great Teachers Do Differently by Todd Whitaker - I think this book should be required for all students earning their degree in education. What he writes about really helps wrap your mind around how to change your perspective in order to be the best you can be for your teachers. It has great advice such as how to build confidence in your students, how to form a relationship with them, how to discipline them without being against them and lots more.
Related Article: Books I've Been Reading - Blogging
The Essential 55 by Ron Clark - This book is great for all teachers to read and reread. They are great rules to live by in your classroom in order to help your students grow into great scholars and moral human beings as well. It's so important to not just teach to the subjects, but also to the child, as we are their role models. They look to us, as well as their parents, to learn how to act in the real world. Ron Clark is great about laying out these rules, and it is a very entertaining and informative read. I got this book from a book store (most I got from the library) and I'm really glad I'm able to keep this one because I can go back and reference it throughout the years.
The Excellent 11 by Ron Clark - After his first book took off so well, Ron Clark then wrote this one, and I'm glad he did. He really is just so inspiring and his books are easy reads, but full of good advice. His anecdotes that he recounts helps drive his point across, and are just very entertaining. The topics in the chapters are general, but his words really get you thinking about how to change your perspective, and how to interact with the children. This is a great book not only for teachers young and old, but parents as well!
Letters to a New Teacher - by Jonathon Kozol - While this book isn't written as casually as I'd like, meaning it almost reads more like a text book, it's still filled with inspiration and stories of actual teaching encounters. As with most of these books, it really focuses on looking at more than the behavior of students, but rather, try to find out the root cause of said behavior and work at fixing that. Jonathon Kozol obviously is very sincere and loves working with students. His advice and words to the young teacher he is writing too is uplifting and encouraging.
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