Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful..
If you know me at all, you know I love Christmas. I love Christmas so much that I tend to get so excited for it, and phase over Thanksgiving. I do this, but in all reality, I have a great deal to be thankful for.
First and foremost, I am thankful for my family. My husband works day in and day out for us. He works to give us a house, food on our plate, and just a general sense of security. He works hard so that our children have a good life. He makes me happy. I love all of our little inside jokes and laughter that we can bring each other. I love that, together, we have created this family. This family that means the world to me. Finally, his hugs. His hugs are the best. I feel so safe in his arms, and so lucky, thankful, that I've gotten to spend the last 12 years (wow!) with him.
Some of my favorite moments are when we are all just hanging out in the living room, playing together. Our children really are a blessing. I feel so lucky that we get to be their parents. Sure, they drive me crazy. Sure, on no school days I want to pull my hair out. But then I sit back and just watch them in awe (until my oldest tells me to stop starring!). These little people are becoming something great, no, they ARE something great. They have personalities that make me laugh all the time. My heart is so full. I am thankful for who they are, and excited for what they will become. My most favorite moment lately, is at night, when my almost 2 year old son goes to bed. He goes to his sisters and gives them hugs and kisses, and then to Daddy to do the same. Through all the fights, my children really do love each other, and that's what matters the most.
I am thankful for my parents. I may not get to see them much these days, but I know they are only a phone call away if I need them, or if I just want to hear their voice. When I was younger, they might not have had much, but I always knew I was loved. I had a great childhood, and didn't know until I was older, that money didn't come very easily. I look back on my childhood fondly, with such great memories and love. I am so thankful for what they taught me. Now, they are fantastic Grandparents that my children adore.
I am thankful for all the friends that have become family. We do not live near any family at all. It was hard at first to have holidays without our loved ones around. Then we moved to a great neighborhood with a great group of people. I am so happy that we have found people that have become our extended family. We love their kids and they love ours. We are there for each other whenever we need help with each others children. It really is a blessing that we have found this community of friends.
Finally, I am thankful for all of you. For my fans, readers, and customers. I am thankful for everyone who has spoken kindly about my work and made me feel that my talent is something great. I love crocheting, I love blogging, and I love getting out in the community showing off my work. I am thankful that I get to do something that I enjoy.
I definitely have a great deal to be thankful for this holiday season....and in two days...I'll also be thankful for the glorious and wonderful Christmas season that has arrived.
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