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Cleaning Out My Cabinents

I feel like I should be playing Eminem's "Cleaning Out My Closet" as I write this.

I think that song would be too short for how long this took though.  SO, as I mentioned in a previous post, I bought a lot of overstock on bathroom items at a closing grocery store the other day.

The problem, though, is that I didn't have any space for them!

The storage spaces under our sinks in our bathroom were full, with basically junk.  I didn't realize how bad they were until I started clearing them out.

Seriously, it was bad.

You want to know how bad?

We had sleeping pills from 2007 in there!!!


The sad thing is, we moved into this house in 2011.

All I can do is laugh, right?  So anyways, I had to clean out the storage and I had about 2 full trash bags of old medicine, makeup, random stuff and just empty boxes.

Please tell me we are not the only ones here with this problem.

I spent so much time cleaning, and yet, I really feel like I have nothing to show for it.  Because, who really sees the storage space under our sinks?  Us, and only us.

And maybe the occasional nosey babysitter, LOL!

At least I know it's clean.  It's just one of the projects I been meaning to do for a while and now I can cross it off my list!

Now, on to the girls bathroom closet.....wish me luck!
