April fools
It's April Fools day, and I wanted to do something to Ashley. She's getting so much older now, that we can have more big kid fun. So, I thought it would be funny to do a little April Fools prank on her. There was a link going around Facebook of some fun pranks to do with kids. I had found a few that I wanted to do, but because I forgot and waited till the day of, I only picked one. The two that did not get done were: making Jello in a clear cup, stick a straw in it, and laugh as she tries to drink her "juice", and glueing money to the driveway where she gets out of the car and watch while she struggles to pick it up!
Okay, so maybe it's a little mean, but it's funny, and I think Ashley will get a kick out of it. The one I decided to do is to offer her some brownies that I made for her today.
Oh, you thought I meant actual "B-R-O-W-N-I-E-S"??
I meant Brown E's!
Here's a video of her disappointment!
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