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Crocheted Monster Pants!!!

     I love to crochet.  Obviously, I am The Crocheting Mom after all!  Up until recently though, I've gotten my patterns from other people.  Then I started to figure out my own way to make things, but never really wrote it down.   I've had people ask me before for my patterns, but they were written in scribbles, or my notes on the computer, in a sequence that only I would be able to understand.  Until now.  These past few months I've started to create my own patterns.

     I figured that since I have read many patterns, hundreds maybe, that I now fully understand the structure, and how to break down the steps for someone else to easily understand.  Most of my patterns end up  being 8-10 pages!  On a side note, I wish writing papers in college that long came as easily as writing patterns that long, LOL!

     Anyways, my most recent pattern is one that I am very excited about.  I've had a few people ask me before about those Monster Pants that have made it's rounds around Facebook.  I'm not a fan of actually having to pay for patterns, and I thought creating them was pretty daunting, so I had to tell them that at that present time, the pants were not something that I did.

     I started thinking about those pants again a couple of weeks ago.  As silly as I think they are, or thought they were, I figured I could probably figure out a great pattern for them.  So I went to work.  After a lot of pulling out and reworking stitches, I finally came up with a pattern for one size.  I tried them on my son, and I thought they were the cutest things ever!!

     I've finally started to see the appeal in these silly little pants.  Look how adorable they are!  

     So I went and created a couple of more sizes and wrote up the pattern.  

     If you think these are as cute as I do and want to purchase the pattern you can at here : PATTERN

     Or, if you would like to purchase a pair you can do so here:  BUY PANTS
