Great App for Toddlers and Beginning readers!
As a parent of two girls who love to play games on the Ipad and Iphone, I'm always looking for new apps that I can download for them that will actually keep their attention! Especially my two year old. The problem that I have with apps and her though, is that she plays them for a second, and then goes to find another one. There are not many that hold her attention for very long, and therefore I have to keep a constant watch on which apps she is getting into. So when I found one I liked, for both my two year old AND six year old, I was very happy!
It's called Endless Reader by Originator Inc. It works on letters, letter sounds, and beginning sight words. The free version of the app has 6 level 1 words included. My girls like it so much, that we just recently bought 20 more words for $4.99. There are 3 different levels with lots of words per level (not sure on exactly how many).
This is the main screen where you can choose the word you want play. You can swipe between the words to pick. Very user friendly, even for a young toddler.
When you get to the word's page, it shows the outline of each letter, with letters randomly place around the screen. This part takes a little bit of time for the younger ones to get used to. They have to touch the solid letter, and bring it to the outlined one. While the letter is being manipulated, it says the sound of that letter over and over again. It's slightly obnoxious for us adults, but the kids love it, and it's good repetition for them. Once it's placed in the right spot, it says the letter name as well. I love this because it teaches my little one hand eye coordination, letter sounds and names, as well as matching, all while she's having fun playing a game!
Once you complete the letters of the word, confetti and such comes out with cheering and clapping. Then it brings you to the next screen. Here you have to put the word in the right part of the sentence, just like they did the letters. So they have to drag the word, while the app says the word over and over again, into the matching outlined word. Then the app reads a fun sentence to the player. This part teaches beginning/sight words, as well as sentence structure, all while playing the game. My six year old enjoys this part, because she can practice reading the sentence, and with all the repetition, the words become sight words for her that she can recognize quickly!
Are there any apps that you have gotten that your children just love? Let me know. Even better if it works for multiple ages!
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